Monday, October 18, 2004

Less Favorable Than Nixon or Carter!

The latest CBS-New York Times poll shows a tight race, Bush 47% - Kerry 45% among likely voters. No shocker there. But the really interesting numbers are the candidates' favorability ratings. Both candidates have net negative personal ratings -- Bush 43 fav / 45 unfav, Kerry 39 fav / 44 unfav. But what's really stunning is the comparison to 1960 and 1980 (according to CBS News, the only years when a candidate with the lower favorability rating won). In 1960, 74% of voters viewed Richard Nixon favorably (!!!); 68% felt that way about John F. Kennedy . In 1980, 62% of voters viewed Jimmy Carter favorably; 58% did so for Ronald Reagan.


Anonymous said...

This is a surprise? The two candidates have been eagerly clubbing each other with rhetorical fungo bats, facrissakes. That's certain to drive up unfavorables.

With the MSM now serving as the house organs and echo chambers of the Kerry Kampaign, this is the nastiest presidential campaign since the 19th Century. It's becoming a choice of which candidate one dislikes the least.

~Lee Shore

Anonymous said...

candidate w/ lower favorability won? seems a stretch to me. the comparison to jfk/nixon & carter/regan are relative ones, but 2 diff't ballgames. 68% favorability consindered least favorite? means more than 2/3 of the people like the guy. 39%-- 2/3 of the people cant stand him! k/n is a better compare w/ c/r than w/ k/b...

Anonymous said...

In october in the 2000 election Gore was down by 13%, and still took the popular vote by over 500,000. Polls mean absolutely nothing, besides the fact they don't include people who use cells as their primary phone connection. THe fact that they are international and our archaic elitist institution of the electoral college makes those polls completely inapplicable.
-Jimothy J. jones