Friday, April 27, 2007

What a Difference a Day Makes

Larry Kudlow, Thursday April 26, 2007:
Things Are Good

It was truly an historic day on Wall Street yesterday as the Dow Jones Index rocketed to a record-breaking, first-ever, 13,000 close with a dramatic 136-point surge. . . .

If I may, permit me to once again call this what it is—the greatest story never told.

We are in the midst of the longest uninterrupted bull market run in memory. We have record low tax rates on capital, a benign inflation rate, and recent economic releases suggesting the Goldilocks soft landing scenario remains very much in place. . . .

Will George W. Bush ever get any credit for this?

The New York Times, Friday, April 27, 2007:

Economic Growth Slows to Weakest Pace in 4 Years

1 comment:

  1. Truly good times for the stockholding class. But, if you depend on wages or home equity for to undergird your standard of living...well, you have to wonder if W. will ever get credit for that, too.
