Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bring On "B-1 Bob"

Sounds like "B-1 Bob" Dornan is thinking of running for President. Again! If true, this would be the best Christmas present ever, especially since Dornan appears to be training his crosshairs on fellow Republicans:

“I can’t stand the thought of my party having as its three front-runners three open adulterers, Newt Gingrich, Giuliani, and McCain,” Dornan said.

“I’ve got one mission left in me, to come up to New Hampshire and tell the truth, and tell the Republicans you better find yourself a fresh face and not Rudy Giuliani who took his mistress around with him and then divorces Donnna who learns she was divorced sitting at home watching TV with her children.

“We need a fresh face if the Republican Party is going to appeal to an Orthodox Jewish, Evangelical or practicing Catholic.”

Aside from adultery, Dornan’s other issue is homosexuality, which he called “a cancer in my party.”

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