Thursday, May 11, 2006


According to the Guardian, Richard Barnbrook, the London leader of the extreme rightwing British National Party (BNP) was once the producer and director of a Marxist gay porn film

HMS Discovery: A Love Story contains scenes of flagellation, men undressing and frolicking in a river and a naked man apparently performing a sex act on another. While this may be hard for supporters of a party opposed to the "promotion" of homosexuality to swallow, Mr Barnbrook's transgressions get worse: the 58-minute film, made in 1989, is described as "Marxist" by one film website.

Mr Barnbrook was a painter, conceptual artist and art teacher before turning to rightwing politics. Searchlight, the anti-fascist organisation, has suggested he was also a Labour party member at one stage. Fellow extremists appear to take a dim view of Mr Barnbrook's colourful past. On one rightwing website, a poll has been created next to a picture of the BNP man asking: "Is this a poofter or what?"

Aside from the all too typical career trajectory of conceptual artist/art teacher turned rightwing extremist, this story reminds me of one of the great episodes in P.G. Wodehouse's Jeeves and Wooster novels where Roderick Spode (modeled after Oswald Moseley), the leader of the fascist "Black Shorts" is revealed to be the designer of ladies lingerie which he sells in a Bond Street shop, Eulalie Soeurs. As Bertie puts it, "You can't be a successful Dictator and design women's underclothing. One or the other. Not both."

I guess you can't be a successful right-wing extremist and make Marxist gay porn films. One or the other. Not both.

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