Friday, October 15, 2004

Jon Stewart v. Tucker Carlson

Check out the transcript of Jon Stewart battling with Tucker Carlson on CNN's Crossfire.

STEWART: Now, this is theater. It's obvious. How old are you?
CARLSON: Thirty-five.
STEWART: And you wear a bow tie.

CARLSON: I do think you're more fun on your show. Just my opinion.
CARLSON: OK, up next, Jon Stewart goes one on one with his fans...
STEWART: You know what's interesting, though? You're as big a dick on your show as you are on any show.
CARLSON: Now, you're getting into it. I like that.
CARLSON: OK. We'll be right back.

A thirty-five year-old man with a bow tie pretty much defines dick, doesn't it.


joefo said...

Tucker Carlson is a gadfly with only slightly more interesting things to say than Ann Coulter. Hey, the right has its Al Frankens too.

Jon Stewart is hilarious, piss your pants funny. He's downright addictive. He's the HL Mencken of the "Oughts". Or maybe HL Mencken was the Jon Stewart of the "Twenties".

Jim Berrettini said...

Stewart IS funny. And if you were tuning into Crossfire for deep analysis, you're were sadly mistaken. That said:

Doesn't it bother anybody that Stewart displays a streak of self-importance that borders on the messianic? "Stop hurting America" is only funny if he's being self-deprecatingly ironic. He looked pretty sincere. That's scary, that Stewart apparently thinks he's saving the little guy from the big corporate media monster that isCrossfire.

It was legitimate for Carlson to call Stewart on being in the tank for Kerry. On the other hand, since the Dems prove to be institutional losers for at least the time being, Stewart's not in danger of losing his credibility, since he can still poke fun at that reigning Republicans.

If calling someone a dick on national TV now constitutes civility and wit, then that humming sound you hear is Jack Paar spinning in his grave.

Barba Rija said...

"Doesn't it bother anybody that Stewart displays a streak of self-importance that borders on the messianic? "Stop hurting America" is only funny if he's being self-deprecatingly ironic. He looked pretty sincere. That's scary"

Yes. That's scary, and you know why? For two reasons. First that it requires a comedian to stand up against state of affairs in cable news "informational" debates, and that isn't Stewart's fault, sorry. It's all the other's fault. Second, it scares me the hell out that many reviewers denounce Stewart as a comedian and thus out of contact with reality as we live in it, thus he shouldn't have messed with the powers that be without being funny. Guess what? Stewart is also an american citizen! It's true, I am not making it up! He also THINKS and makes rationale!! Incredible!! So why is he not entitled to do the critic he had the opportunity to do?

I mean, how come the critics of the critic are in any way superior to him on this matter? Can't you see the absurd of this position?

"It was legitimate for Carlson to call Stewart on being in the tank for Kerry. On the other hand, since the Dems prove to be institutional losers for at least the time being, Stewart's not in danger of losing his credibility, since he can still poke fun at that reigning Republicans."

Untrue and misleading. Stewart always poking at Democrats too. He considers himself a Whig, godamit!

"If calling someone a dick on national TV now constitutes civility and wit..."
Now wait a minute, you're forgetting that the mister bow-tie man was BEING a dick in manners. Always stepping in his feet. And I feel that he made a great effort of not just bully the guy. He deserved it.